Saturday, August 31, 2013

To kevin rudd oblish the carbon tax and the gst and ausys may be able to breath and live again with out fear of losing power and gas and water and the price of fuel may come down and food might be in reach for the little person feather the pockets of the struggling familys not the rich wake up as the australian dream is floating away kevin dont destroy the luky country to all my face book friends please copy and paste this to your status on your time line and lets be heard cheers

To kevin rudd oblish the carbon tax and the gst and ausys may be able to breath and live again with out fear of losing power and gas and water and the price of fuel may come down and food might be in reach for the little person feather the pockets of the struggling familys not the rich wake up as the australian dream is floating away kevin dont destroy the luky country to all my face book friends please copy and paste this to your status on your time line and lets be heard cheers