Tuesday, August 6, 2013

DHS told to reveal child protection staffing documents

The workplace umpire has ordered the Department of Human Services (DHS) to release documents about child protection staffing levels in the Loddon Mallee region.The dispute between the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) and the DHS returned to Fair Work Australia on Friday.
The union has accused the DHS of understaffing the Loddon Mallee region by 15 child protection positions but the department and the State Government say the 146 positions originally promised were a miscalculation, as a result of an administrative error.
The CPSU demanded to see the modelling of the adjusted staff structures and now, in a win for the union, Fair Work has ordered the department to comply.
It has given it a series of deadlines to provide documents, including position descriptions, updated workplace structures and its rationale for the staff reduction.

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