Wednesday, August 7, 2013

500 Victorian DHS jobs to go and the tax payer has to pay the for there blunders

VICTORIA'S Department of Human Services (DHS) will lose about 500 jobs as part of the state government's plan to cut 3600 public service jobs to achieve savings across the sector.
In a letter to Karen Batt, the Victorian branch secretary of the Community and Public Sector Union, DHS secretary Gill Callister announced the job cuts.
She said the 500 jobs to go will occur through natural attrition, a recruitment freeze, redundancies and by not extending current contracts.
"All frontline roles will be retained and will be further supported through more localised management," Ms Callister said.
She said two new deputy secretary roles will be created to oversee a community and executive services portfolio and a housing, youth and women portfolio.

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