Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Police disciplined for Facebook crash boasts

Photos of police vehicles that had been driven into lampposts and other cars were posted on a group on the site called "Look I’ve Had a Polcol". Polcol is slang for police collision.
One picture showed a uniformed officer giving a thumbs-up in front of a wrecked patrol car pinned underneath a fallen tree.
Another showed a silver patrol car wrapped around a lamppost with the comment: "Probably not best to be going 75 down it (a bus lane)..."
The group, which had more than 200 members before being closed down, also contained stories about collisions with pedestrians.
"Ran over a drunk. I believe he has a permanent limp and a hefty payout. I was given a three-month holiday from job driving. Ooh, bummer," one member wrote.

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