Monday, July 22, 2013

This is quite nerve racking as the cat found this on face book as the egyptian people dont like the obama and have requested the yanks leave them alone this is desturbing to see such a post appear on the social net work l feel that things in time are going to heat up here

 from the great Egyptian people to U.S. president and government

If you do not take your hands off from Egypt and you must stay away from the Egyptian administration ,management and President Mr Morsi we will Begins fight and war with you in every plac
e you are interests and also we will expose you in front of the world public opinion and all the world
We will not leave any U.S. people live in peace anywhere until you leave us alone 

مواطنة مصرية من شعب مصر العظيم الي الادراه الامريكيه كفوا ايديكم عن مصر وابتعدوا عن الاداره المصريه وابتعدوا عن الرئيس مرسي والا سنحاربكم في كل مكان لكم مصالح فيه وسنفضحكم امام الراي العام العالمي ولن نترك اي امريكي يعيش بسلام في اي مكان ، ابتعدوا عنا تسلموا
اللي موافق علي الكلمتين اللي فوق
ترجمتهم تحت
from the great Egyptian people to U.S. president and government

If you do not take your hands off from Egypt and you must stay away from the Egyptian administration ,management and President Mr Morsi we will Begins fight and war with you in every place you are interests and also we will expose you in front of the world public opinion and all the world
We will not leave any U.S. people live in peace anywhere until you leave us alone

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