Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Carbon taxes and the price of living gst all prices have gone threw the roof for the fat cats to make more money

As we rely on people around the world to read the web sites and to tell the truth for other we strive to bring you the public the awareness of fraud and faulty and rip off scheme;s from government departments and blunders we strive to show you the public exactly who these thing effect you the tax payer as we are ausy and we are getting ripped with the gst there are no other countries that have this there are no other countries that have a carbon tax why are the ausy getting kicked in the teeth for these thing as we work hard for our money and spend our money and we get coped with these over head to pay the fat cats sitting in chairs more money to make blunders for the rest of the Australian to live in poverty as hawk said no child in Australia  will live in poverty that was his quote and look at us now as the ausy is battling with high fuel prices and power price high pricing of food and housing water gas we have to pay for clothing this just snow balls to making ausy a very hard place to live we were once a lucky country now we are starting to become a poverty country with all these crap gst and carbon taxes wait there more as the government's are waiting to hit the small person in the pocket they will find something more to do so mark my words as they only look out for them self we have to have our say and band together as one they make decision with out our consent yes we vote but our votes are not heard we we voice our opinions we are swept under the carpet we complain we get locked up these fat cats are running our lives stand in a line we will give you a card to see were you are spending to see were you are going to see who you are friends with camera all over the place with soft ware to recognise your face while you try and have your life as we dont have a private life as there is the police force that every single person who they pull over they treat like a criminal and run a check and speak rude to the older generation they taser the person they bully people they hit people and mame the person look on this website and there are samples of violent cops doing there job there are cops doing the wrong thing every were and getting away with it they are a law upon there self we are ausy and we deserve to be treated like ausy and not crims and further more we should not be getting rip of  so have your say on my page lets band together as we are ausy

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