Monday, July 25, 2011

Australia Web Directory

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Most So-Called SEO Experts are Liars and cheats

The Internet is flooded with self-proclaimed Internet Marketing Gurus trying to flog “SEO Secrets” like there’s no tomorrow — but look beyond the square at screenshots and “audit-proof” results and have a dig into their history, and their long-term results and you’ll often find that their promises are over hyped, and rubbish results achieved were temporary and that they are salesmen more so than SEO experts…

Put it simply, these guys are great info-product marketers, but when it comes to generating results for themselves or their clients, the numbers simply drop in the bum?.

“The SEO Business Guide” published by SitePoint is different, and we invite you to do your own research and verify our credentials.As you want to cotton on to a good product that works for you

click here for great results in a program