Monday, June 27, 2011


Saturday, June 25, 2011

sirslackcatsbabyadultclothingsite: Go crafting for big cash

sirslackcatsbabyadultclothingsite: Go crafting for big cash: "Do you consider yourself a crafty person? Do you spend countless hours of your free time working on craft projects that only YOU get to e..."

Friday, June 24, 2011


Hi there how long since you have clean your browser as this
can have the effect of the computer
doing stupid things like running slow and open pages slower
than it ever has there are places to go that have video showing
you how to clean the cookies
out of your browser as when you get this build up cookies
it is easy for people to find out more
about you and your computer habits as you are more at
risk of your system being hacked for pass
word and bank details this is because you have left all
of your tell tale signs left on your browser
so when you clean your cookies out of your browser
it does two things it make it harder for a
person to obtain personel details and also when you
do it the other computers on the other side
have problem to identify you as l you go into them
so you have to give you passwords for better
safe surfing on the net as this will increase the speed
of the page opening up and also stop
the pages from hanging there is also another thing
you can do to increase your performance
with your computer and they call that defraging as
this is done by going into your computer and
selecting d/drive or what your drive is called then right
click on mouse and then click on property
this will take to tools right click on tools and then
right click on defragment then point at defrag
and push defrag button it will analyse your hard drive
and then you push defrag again and
it puts all your files back to how they should be in order
and your computer run better
and faster again you can also see this afetr the event so
l hope my tips prove to be worth while and
save you some money from those computer shops
as also another thing that l have learnt over the years
of computers is buy a register cleaner as the register cleaner
will stop that register that you have from clogging up as when
this happens your computer will start doing stupid things
as pages will take longer to open once again and start hanging
thanks for reading my performance tips for your computer
to run smoother enjoy surfing sirslackcat web sites as many programs
to view cheers sirslackcat

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Monday, June 20, 2011

sirslackcats advertising site: protecting your best identity for business and persanel

sirslackcats advertising site: protecting your best identity for business and persanel

sirslackcats advertising site: protecting your best identity for business and pe...

sirslackcats advertising site: protecting your best identity for business and pe...: "If you’ve ever had a dog who has tracked mud in the house you know what a messy trail that can become. Now consider the trail you leave beh..."

protecting your best identity for business and persanel

If you’ve ever had a dog who has tracked mud in the house

you know what a messy trail that can become. Now consider

the trail you leave behind every time you buy something off the internet

or do business at an ATM or even throw out your garbage.

Those are all ways that thieves can steal your identity.

But this doesn’t mean you have to be a victim. For every innovative way

someone comes up with to steal an identity, there is an equally and

often stronger way to protect your identity.

You need to be smart about your identity trail. Consider

buying a paper shredder to destroy any mail, old bills or other papers

that might have important account numbers on them. Just because

you don’t see someone going through your trash doesn’t mean that

dumpster diving isn’t a source for identity thieves to get your information.

ATMs have become a great way for people to make deposits and get cash

on their schedule. But they’re also a place where identity thieves can snatch

your pin numbers. When you stop off at an ATM just be aware of your surroundings.

Be on the look out for anyone peering over your shoulder and make sure you block

your pin number when you enter it into the ATM.

Nowadays, we spend a lot of time on the internet for business and for

fun but every time we log on, we’re leaving a trail that might be picked up by identity

thieves. There are several steps you can take to prevent your identity from being

stolen over the internet. Make sure you have a strong firewall and anti-virus protection

on your computer. You can’t be sure of the safety of every site

you’re going to visit. This is where malicious hackers could attach

a virus that can allow them access to your information. Make purchases

with reputable sites that have strong security on their marketplace. And consider

updating your various passwords.

Don’t let down your guard. If you’re out on the web you will be leaving a trail. It’s up

to you to make sure that trail is cleaned up! Click here to find out more